Invitation to UCD staff: HEA Education for Sustainable Development Consultation Event

Ireland’s National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is due to conclude at the end of 2020. Consultation on the next National Strategy, led by the Department of Education and Skills (DES), will commence in the New Year via an online survey and submissions process.
As a precursor to this wider consultation, the Higher Education Authority will host a virtual event with higher education institutions (HEIs) on Thursday 10th December 10:00 – 12:00, to raise awareness of the opportunity to engage in this process, and to give HEI representatives an initial opportunity to reflect on the previous National Strategy and input to the shape and priorities of the next.

Alexander Leicht, Chief of Section for ESD at UNESCO, will speak about UNESCO’s new Framework for ESD to 2030.

Leona De Khours, DES will provide input on the National Strategy consultation process.

Additionally, a panel discussion on experiences of implementing ESD in higher education curricula and the wider campus environment, both
from the perspective of students and HEI reps, will form part of the event.

The event will be held virtually on Thursday 10th December from 10am-12pm via Zoom. The event will be interactive, with opportunities for participants to contribute to discussions.

Participants should register in advance by emailing by 7th December.